Firestore Cheat Sheet

Firestore Cheat SheetFirestore cheat sheet download

Nov 28, 2020 Firestore database will be used for storing some user-specific information. User presence and last seen time will be tracked using a combination of Realtime Database, Cloud Functions and Firestore. Presence tracking in action Firebase set up. As we are using Firebase as the backend for our app, it is required to complete the Firebase set up first. Cheat Sheet This document contains a list of handy JS snippets that are used across applications. The snippets are not meant to be plug and play but indicative of the way code can be written to achieve the desired outcome. Google Professional Cloud Developer Cheat Sheet is the key to revise everything in a precise way. Talking about the Google Professional Cloud Developer exam, here you will be in the role of a Professional Cloud Developer with ability to builds scalable and highly available applications using Google-recommended practices and tools.

Get code examples like 'how to sort data in firebase firestore' instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. Flutter Firebase cheat sheet 🔥. Flutter Firebase Cheat Sheet covers firebase service for the rapid development of flutter applications such as Authentication, posting data and retrieving data from cloud firestore, Uploading an image (cloud storage) on firebase and Push notification (device to device and topic subscription) by firebase messaging. Firebase is a development platform created by firebase.

Observable creators (eg static operators)


immediately emit all arguments provided


convert a promise or array or iterable or Observable-like object to Observable






more Creation Operators:

Observable operators: Persistence


Observable operators: Flow control






Firebase - How To Access Google Cloud Platform Firestore ..




Firestore Cheat Sheet

Observable operators: Pure Transforms



Firebase - How To Access Cloud Firestore From Google Sheets ..



An observable that returns both synchronously AND asynchronously

Subscribe/Unsubscribe interface implemented in pure javascript (no rxjs)

Firestore - Is It Possible To Get The ID Before It Was Added?

So why use rxjs if it can be done in pure js? “The reason why we use Rx types like Observable, Observer, and Subscription is to get safety (such as the Observable Contract) and composability with Operators.”

adding/removing Child subscriptions

This is a sequel for my previous article that I wrote couple of years back. Hdr for mac. As the cloud adoption is increasing, companies are going towards the Multi cloud approach to be locked out of a vendor. Sound blaster audigy for mac. I also have to do some migration tasks so this seems to be the right time to create this.

VMAzure VMsEC2 and Azue Elastic ComputeCompute Engine but only 3 type of VM
LoadBalancingAzure Load Balancer, Traffic Manager and VMSSElastic Load Balancing , Auto ScailingCloud Load Balancer, Instance Group
ServerlessAzure Functions, Logic AppLambdaCloud Function
DockerAzure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instance, Azure Container Service , Azure Container RegistryECS, EC2 Container Service, Firecracker, fargateKubernetes Engine, Container Registry
AutomationAzure AutomationCloud FormationCloud Deployment Manager
ManagementResource Manager, Cloud Shell, APIAWS Management Console, CLI , APICloud Shell, Cloud Console, API
MonitoringAzure Monitor, Log Analytics, Network watcher, Application InsightsCloud Watch and Clout TrialGoogle StackDriver
Object StorageBlob StorageS3Cloud Storage Buckets
File Based StorageAzure FilesElastic File System, Windows File SystemCloud Filestore
Archive StorageCool Storage, Archive StorageGlacier, Data Archive, S3 Infrequent AccessNearline and Coldline Storage
Hybrid StorageStor SimpleStorage GatewayEgypte Sync
Content Delivery NetworkAzure CDNCloudFrontClould InterConnect
Regions 54 Regions20 Regions18 Regions
Disaster Recovery/BackupAzure Site RecoveryPilot Light, Backup & Restore, Warm StandbyGoogle Cloud DR Strategy Guide- Manual
DNS Azure DNSRoute 53Domain Cloud System
CachingRedisCacheElastiCacheCloud MemoryStore
Database SQL, MySQL, PostreSQL, Table, Cosmos, MariaDBSQL, MySQL, PostreSQL, Table, Dynamo,NeptuneFirestore, MYSQL, PostreSQL, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Big Table
Data WarehouseSQL DataWarehouseAmazon RedshiftBigQuery
Dedicated Private NetworkExpressRouteDirect ConnectDedicated Interconnect
Virtual Network OptionVirtual N/w , Subnets, API Management, VPN Gateway, Network PeeringVPN,Network Peering, VPC and subnet, NAT and Transit GatewayGoogle Cloud VPN, VPC and subnet, Google Cloud Endpoints

Firestore Cheat Sheet 2019

Not all Azure services offer the best performance for every need and same is the case for the AWS so we need to make the wisest decision while architecting for the Cloud.I will recommend to go through the comparisons before making any decision.


Firebase/Google Cloud Storage How To Store The Image ..
